Mexico-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement

Mexico-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: A Boost for Economic Growth

The Mexico-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed in 2002 between Mexico and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) trade bloc has opened up new opportunities for trade and investment between the two regions. The partnership aims to build closer economic ties, promote regional integration, and accelerate economic growth in both regions.

Mexico is the second-largest economy in Latin America and the 15th largest in the world. Mercosur, on the other hand, is a trade bloc comprised of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, with a combined population of over 295 million people and a GDP of over $2.8 trillion. The FTA between Mexico and Mercosur has the potential to create a massive market for businesses in both regions.

Benefits for Mexico

Mexico`s exports to Mercosur have grown significantly since the FTA`s signing, reaching $5.5 billion in 2020. The FTA has enabled Mexico to diversify its export markets and reduce its dependence on the United States. The agreement also eliminates tariffs on 90% of Mexican exports to Mercosur, making Mexican products more competitive in the South American market.

The FTA has also created opportunities for Mexican businesses to expand into South America. Mexican companies have invested heavily in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay in recent years, with investments totaling over $11 billion. The FTA has provided a framework for Mexican companies to invest and do business in the Mercosur region, further deepening economic ties between the two regions.

Benefits for Mercosur

Mercosur has also benefited greatly from the FTA. The agreement has given South American countries greater access to Mexico`s vast consumer market. The FTA has also increased trade between the two regions, with Mercosur`s exports to Mexico increasing from $2.6 billion in 2002 to $7.3 billion in 2020.

The FTA has also provided an impetus for greater regional integration among Mercosur countries. The trade bloc has been working towards greater cooperation and integration for several years, and the partnership with Mexico is an important step towards achieving that goal. The agreement has created closer economic ties between the two regions, which will help promote regional stability and prosperity.


The Mexico-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement has provided a significant boost to economic growth in both regions. The agreement has created new opportunities for trade and investment and has helped to diversify Mexico`s export markets. The partnership has also provided South American countries with greater access to Mexico`s consumer market and has helped promote regional integration and cooperation. The Mexico-Mercosur FTA is a great example of how free trade agreements can create win-win situations for all parties involved.