Gatt Agreement Slideshare

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was signed in 1947 and aimed to promote free trade by reducing tariffs and other trade barriers. It was replaced by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, but its principles still inform international trade policy today.

If you`re looking to learn more about the GATT agreement, one useful resource is Slideshare. Slideshare is a platform for sharing presentations, and there are many informative slideshows on the topic of GATT available there.

To find GATT agreement slideshows on Slideshare, simply enter «GATT agreement» or «General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade» into the search bar. You can also refine your search by adding additional keywords such as «history,» «impact,» or «pros and cons.»

Once you find a slideshow that interests you, take the time to carefully review it. Check for accuracy and make sure the information presented is up-to-date and relevant. As a professional, it`s also important to pay attention to the keywords and phrases used in the slideshow. Make sure they are relevant to the topic and likely to be searched for by people looking for information on GATT.

Finally, if you`re using GATT agreement slideshows from Slideshare as a source for your own articles or content, be sure to properly attribute the source and follow best practices for citing online sources. This will help ensure that your own content is accurate, trustworthy, and easy to find for people searching for information on GATT.